Attendance rate 100%.

Satisfaction rate 86%.

Qualiopi certification was issued for the following actions:

Training actions

VAE support actions.

Welcome to the Muriel Rousseau Formation website.


Our organization's primary vocation is to support assistants wishing to create their own business, from the study of the project to their installation, and the development of their operational skills. We also enable them to obtain a diploma, through VAE support.

All this will allow you to enhance your skills and establish your professionalism, a safe bet with your customers and prospects.

However, our training courses are not reserved for an audience of future freelance assistants. We can also meet your need for skills development by being an employee, entrepreneur, self-employed or consultant in all areas.

Our training courses have a common base of skills but are customizable with regard to the professional environment of each one.

The experience of your trainer of several years within various companies, allows him, in fact, to understand different professional environments and each training will be adapted to the needs of everyone.

If you want to train as part of your independent secretarial project, our courses will allow you to offer your services to a wider clientele.

With her experience in the field as an independent assistant since 2017, Muriel Rousseau offers you "creation" courses to launch your activity with all the tools in hand, and she accompanies you more broadly through training in developing your operational skills. .

For example, certifying your level of proficiency in office tools and professional writing will be an reassure your potential customers, who see in it a certain professionalism.

In this perspective, we are partners of the certifiers ENI, Voltaire and Le Robert.

You will also be able to benefit from our support for the VAE (Validation of Acquired Experience) of various secretarial/assistant jobs aiming for a Professional Title or a BTS.

We offer primarily individual and face-to-face courses, but we will also soon be offering e-learning sessions and virtual classes.

Everyone can adopt a pro-active approach before starting by turning to those whose experience and expertise will provide relevant training and information.

Training before creation is a choice that brings an undeniable advantage in order not only to position yourself as a professional vis-à-vis your customers and prospects, but also to manage your business on a daily basis and make it sustainable.

Our operation and our quality approach.

Our training courses are oriented towards the profession of independent secretary and adapted according to the situation of each one, but not only.

However, they are also intended for any person, employee or business creator wishing to develop their operational skills.

Each training is targeted and set up according to an individual course, with a personalized interview prior to the training.

A follow-up is carried out throughout our training via quizzes, simulations resulting from concrete experiences.

Our training takes place face-to-face at your home or in a dedicated office, with remote monitoring.

We also offer e-learning courses but with individual tutoring, anxious to support you and stick as closely as possible to your needs.

Training in small groups is also possible (coming soon).

The tools and software used make it possible to appropriate and put into practice without difficulty the techniques and skills to be acquired.

For people with disabilities, we carry out, in conjunction with referring professionals, a preliminary assessment in order to define the reception conditions and the equipment to be provided.

Our organization is on a human scale but is nonetheless a certified organization, guarantee of a commitment to the quality of the processes and the follow-up of the trainees, upstream and downstream of the training.

The Qualiopi certification meets 32 quality criteria and allows you to ensure that the organization complies with the processes imposed by the certification, for the monitoring of your career and the acquisition of skills.

It also allows you to benefit from support via public funding (OPCO) and under the CPF on the MonCompteFormation platform.

Most of our courses are eligible for the CPF

To revise and improve spelling and professional writing.

Public markets and tenders.

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